Weather & Livecams

Weather forecast Upper Engadine

Here you can find the weather report for the Upper Engadine. Local webcams provide you with real-time images from the region.

Tomorrow 26.04
min -7 °C
max 7 °C
min -7 °C
max 7 °C
On Saturday sun and clouds mixed. Early in the morning -3 deg, Maximum temperature 4 degrees.
The day after tomorrow 27.04
min -2 °C
max 6 °C
min -2 °C
max 6 °C
Sunday morning changeable, showers of sleet at times. In the afternoon sun and clouds mixed. Early in the morning 0 deg, Maximum temperature 8 degrees.
min -7 °C
max 7 °C
min -2 °C
max 6 °C
min 2 °C
max 10 °C
Engadin Golf Samedan
Muottas Muragl
Panorama Engadin Airport - Plazza Aviatica
Cross Country Center
What our guests say

Cross-country skiing holidays

Relax and unwind with excellent cuisine - this is what Hotel Donatz is all about. The included admission to the mineral bath is a further plus after a strenuous day of cross-country skiing. The staff is extremely helpful and courteous.

Cross-country skiing holidays

Reviewed in February 2019